If you find this test useful, please let your friends know by recommending our tests on Facebook, so that your friends can get ready for their tests, too. The questions in our sample tests are nearly identical to those on the official NC exam. The North Carolina DMV permit test consists of 25 questions, and you must answer at least 20 questions correctly to get a passing score (80). If you still make a mistake, we’ll show you the correct answer and an explanation. North Carolina DMV Permit Practice Test 2023.

There are 40 multiple-choice questions, each of them with 4 answers. Welcome to our third North Carolina Permit Practice Test! It was designed to help you get ready for your NC Permit Test, using the same scoring and grading methods, so that there are no surprizes when you go to the DMV for the real thing! We have used the official North Carolina Driver’s Handbook, feedback from users who already passed this test, and also some insider info (wink wink!) - take this test as many times as needed until you feel you’re ready! There is no guarantee, of course, that you’ll get the exact same questions as the DMV randomly picks them from a database of hundreds of questions, but your chances are still VERY high if you use our tests to prepare.